subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
An anonymous man has received nine seals from The Prophet, with each seal containing mysterious sayings and prophecies from the Book of Isaiah about America's recent past and possible future destruction.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
When Time Shall Be No More offers for the first time an in-depth look at the subtle, pervasive ways in which prophecy belief shapes contemporary American thought and culture.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
The centrepiece of the work is a study of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, by far the largest and most successful of teh radical sectarian groups active during the period of the English civil war and the inter-regnum."--Jacket.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
A key book on the background and future direction of scholarship prophecy in the bibical world.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
This volume concludes with a rich discussion of practical matters, including the relationship between Christian discipleship and prophetic interpretation and the role of biblical prophecy in interfaith contexts.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
How a system of religious beliefs made the taking of the New World possible and laudable is the focus of Kadir's timely review of the founding doctrines of empire.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
For Johnson, the New Testament books Luke and Acts provide that much-needed jolt to conventional wisdom.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
This sequel to Prophets and Personal Prophecy is packed with the same kind of cutting instruction that made the first volume a best-seller. Prophetic insights, how-to's, and warnings make this book essential for the Spirit-filled church.
subject:"Prophecy (Christianity)" from
The centrepiece of the work is a study of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, by far the largest and most successful of teh radical sectarian groups active during the period of the English civil war and the inter-regnum."--Jacket.