subject:"Evangelistic work" from
The Lausanne Covenant is widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history. John Stotts study guide can be used personally or in groups.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
Per Faxneld shows how this surprising Satanic feminism was expressed in a wide range of 19th-century texts and artistic productions
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
This is a five-point strategy for attracting and spiritually maturing the unchurched, from the pastor of Saddleback Church.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
In this book, Ramsay MacMullen investigates the transition from paganism to Christianity between the fourth and eighth centuries.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
It is hoped that this volume will be useful to other pastors in suggesting lines of teaching in their regular pastoral work, and also that it may be used widely by pastors and others for circulation among Christians.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
In this classic book, John Stott shows that Christian mission must encompass both evangelism and social action.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
Offers a secular perspective on the growth of the Christian Church in ancient Rome, identifies nonreligious factors in conversion, and examines the influence of Constantine
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
Clear and decisive messages about the need for revival in each generation, the circumstances leading to past revivalsm, and how to rekindle revival today. From the former minister of Westminster Chapel.
subject:"Evangelistic work" from
This book will both show contemporary readers what can be learned from the past and help renew their own evangelistic vision.