subject:"Anglican Communion" from
In this volume of The New Church's Teaching Series, Harold T. Lewis surveys the teachings and witness of Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church concerning the Christian vision of a righteous social order, including the challenges of the new ...
subject:"Anglican Communion" from
The story of the Episcopalians in America is the story of an influential denomination that has furnished a disproportionately large share of the American political and cultural leadership.
subject:"Anglican Communion" from
Recreating lay people's experience of the religion of the pre-Reformation church, this text argues that late-medieval Catholicism was neither decadent nor decayed, but was a strong & vigorous tradition, & that the Reformation represented a ...
subject:"Anglican Communion" from
Authored by renowned risk management expert Philippe Jorion-with the full support of GARP-this definitive guide summarizes the core body of knowledge for financial risk managers, covering such topics as: Market, credit, operational, ...
subject:"Anglican Communion" from
" Brightest and Best is designed for a variety of Christian education purposes, including adult forums, confirmation classes, seasonal presentations, clergy groups, and groups of students and young adults.
subject:"Anglican Communion" from
In this selection of new sermons, Barbara Brown Taylor walks us through the church year, from the expectancy of Advent to the fires of Pentecost and beyond.