inauthor:"Richard L. Kiper" from
A sympathetic assessment of Major General John Alexander McClernand, a highly controversial individual who served his country as soldier and statesman.
inauthor:"Richard L. Kiper" from
The purpose of this book is to share Army special operations soldier stories with the general American public to show them what various elements accomplished during the war to drive the Taliban from power and to destroy al-Qaeda and Taliban ...
inauthor:"Richard L. Kiper" from
First published in 2003, this is the first unclassified official history authored by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command relating to Operation Enduring Freedom.
inauthor:"Richard L. Kiper" from
What makes this book so significant is that the history was captured as USASOC troops (Green Berets, Rangers, PsyOps, SpecOps Aviation and Civil Affairs) were fighting the war, providing an easily understood snapshot of the war as it ...
inauthor:"Richard L. Kiper" from
Army Raiders corrects this omission. Primarily the history of one company and its headquarters, Army Raiders tells the story of ordinary human beings who carried out extraordinary missions.