This is the first major study in English of the work of the French novelist, essayist, journalist, poet and 'chansonnier' Pierre Mac Orlan (1882-1970).
No fine distinction is made between symbols, allegories, metaphors, signs, types or images, since such subtle distinctions, however sensible from a scientific point of view, are useless to a person struggling with the deeper comprehension, ...
In the great days of Italian fortification literature – the century from Valle's first Venetian edition in 1524 to the appearance of Tensini in 1624 – Venice accounted for roughly as many titles as the rest of Europe together.
In a single volume, this work provides users with the means of making at least a preliminary identification of any bryophyte or fern which they might encounter in Europe or Macaronesia.
The volume is a collections of essays aiming to reconstruct the basic elements that compose the multifaceted discourse on emotions in traditional China.
However, they are not poisonous, and they are dangerous only to arthropods and small vertebrates such as lizards and frogs, but not to humans. This is a comprehensive work on all that is known on the biology of these fascinating creatures.