Matthew Babington (1761-1796) who was grandfather to Churchill Babington (the botanist whose publication Mr Macaulay's Character of the Clergy (1849), a ...
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What happened to the Babington family?
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Joseph Macaulay historical records. Discover people, photos & family trees related to Joseph Macaulay - Ancestry®
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The Macaulays of Lewis are generally said to be of Norse origin because of the etymology of their surname and also because of the islands' Viking Age past.
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BABN/1 - Box 1: Augusta Julia Babington (née Noel) – Frances Babington (née Sykes), 1818-1847 · BABN/2 - Box 2: George Gisborne Babington, 1809-1839 · BABN/3 - ...
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The notable descendants of Zachary Macaulay include his son, Thomas Babington Macaulay, and his grandson, Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet of the ...
Aulay Macaulay, the son of the Man of Brenish, and the grandson of Donald Cam, may reasonably be credited with a considerable portion of hereditary spirit in ...
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His granddaughter Margaret Holland, Viscountess Knutsford, in her extensive Life and Letters made stylistic changes to Macaulay's written material and omitted ...
Mr. Babington fell in love with one of the daughters of the house, Miss Jean Macaulay, and married her in 1787. Nine years afterwards he had an opportunity ...
They were also related by marriage to Zachary Macaulay and his son Thomas Babington Macaulay, first baron ... Joseph Babington and grandson of Mr. Thomas ...