This volume also explores a unique approach to sustainable management that blends together both natural and spiritual concerns and draws together philosophical concepts from numerous intellectual traditions, bridging East and West, North ...
Ympäristökasvatusta Pohjoismaissa on teos, jonka lukijana pääset kulkemaan villipeuran jäljillä ja polttamaan riimuja viikinkien seurassa, saat esimerkkejä puron hyödyntämisestä opetuksessa tai tarinan mahdollisuuksia.
The first edition of this book (published in 2013) fostered the emergence of the "Spiritual Ecology Movement," which recognizes the need for a spiritual response to our present ecological crisis.
"--Steve Sanderson, President, Wildlife Conservation Society "From Botswana to the Camargue, from Denali to Komodo Island, this book covers more than 600 reserves in over 80 countries. . .
The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat, through its Plan Bleu Regional Activity Center, and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean work in partnership to support MedECC, and to contribute to establish a sound and ...