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subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
The purpose of this guide is to facilitate the ratification or acceptance of the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement and the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
Contains the regulations of the state of Virginia for control of air pollution, as well as a guide to the user, to provide the reader with a readily accessible condensed explanation of the regulations.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
This volume also explores a unique approach to sustainable management that blends together both natural and spiritual concerns and draws together philosophical concepts from numerous intellectual traditions, bridging East and West, North ...
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
This book examines East Asia's approach to 'Developmental Environmentalism'.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
This volume describes the major issues facing protected areas, both terrestrial and marine, and discusses the approaches needed to address these issues.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
Ympäristökasvatusta Pohjoismaissa on teos, jonka lukijana pääset kulkemaan villipeuran jäljillä ja polttamaan riimuja viikinkien seurassa, saat esimerkkejä puron hyödyntämisestä opetuksessa tai tarinan mahdollisuuksia.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
This is particularly true as pressures on water resources intensify and the impacts of climate change increase.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
Available online: Although there is high interest in realizing the great potential of applying eDNA methods to marine monitoring in the Northeast Atlantic, the implementation process has proven ...
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
The first edition of this book (published in 2013) fostered the emergence of the "Spiritual Ecology Movement," which recognizes the need for a spiritual response to our present ecological crisis.
subject:"Nature / Environmental Conservation & Protection" from
This book offers a compilation of the Foundation's best lectures, defining megacities and their processes and systems.