Lorsqu'il écrit l'Oratio de hominis dignitate, qui aurait dû introduire ses Neuf cents thèses philosophiques, théologiques et cabalistiques, Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) a vingt-quatre ans.
Power Unlimited, Or Relation Of Man With God, Points Out A Way Of Solving Our Modern, Practical, Day-To-Day Problems By Reference To The Spirit Within Us. The Book Talks Of Certain Tools For The Development Of Greater Potential Through ...
Do I dare be friendly with gay men? Can I be a caring lover, husband, dad -- successful in the marketplace -- while still honoring my authentic maleness? This book gives men a chance to explore and dialogue with that emerging self.
First published in 1989, Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting is required reading for Christian philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and students interested in the mind-body question.