subject:"English poetry" from
These two collections of Blake's finest and best-loved poems--printed on vellum--offer the text of each poem in letterpress on the page facing a beautiful color reproduction of the design Blake created to illustrate the particular poem.
subject:"English poetry" from
This bold new translation with facing French text restores once banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection.
subject:"English poetry" from
This important work, first published in 1934, is a concise statement of Pound's aesthetic theory.
subject:"English poetry" from
Translated here into modern English, these tales of a motley crew of pilgrims drawn from all walks of life--from knight to nun, miller to monk--reveal a picture of English life in the fourteenth century that is as robust as it is ...
subject:"English poetry" from
Four long poems are written in a new style which the author calls quartets.
subject:"English poetry" from
A re-editing of F.N. Robinson's second edition of The works of Geoffrey Chaucer published in 1957 by the team of experts at the Riverside Institute who have greatly expanded the introductory material, explanatory notes, textual notes, ...
subject:"English poetry" from
In this volume, the eminent Assyriologist Thorkild Jacobsen presents translations of some of these ancient poems, including a number of compositions that have never before been published in translation.
subject:"English poetry" from
Unfolding the story, in which love see-saws between Tatyana and the dashing Onegin, Pushkin draws out moods that are by turns comic and sad, thoughtful and frivolous, lighthearted and passionate, but always sublimely appropriate.
subject:"English poetry" from
"The two works 'On fairy-stories' and 'Leaf by Niggle' were first brought together to form the book 'Tree and leaf' in 1964. In this new edition a third element is added: the poem Mythopoeia, the making of myths..."--Preface.