Maintains the flavor, charm, and rhythm of the original version as it chronicles the stories of a group of travelers representing every aspect of medieval society on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, England.
A re-editing of F.N. Robinson's second edition of The works of Geoffrey Chaucer published in 1957 by the team of experts at the Riverside Institute who have greatly expanded the introductory material, explanatory notes, textual notes, ...
This bold new translation with facing French text restores once banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and variety of the collection.
"The two works 'On fairy-stories' and 'Leaf by Niggle' were first brought together to form the book 'Tree and leaf' in 1964. In this new edition a third element is added: the poem Mythopoeia, the making of myths..."--Preface.
Unfolding the story, in which love see-saws between Tatyana and the dashing Onegin, Pushkin draws out moods that are by turns comic and sad, thoughtful and frivolous, lighthearted and passionate, but always sublimely appropriate.
Thông’s new and absorbingly readable translation (on pages facing the Vietnamese text) is illuminated by notes that give comparative passages from the Chinese novel on which the poem was based, details on Chinese allusions, and literal ...