Rogan Kersh received his BA from Wake Forest in 1986, and returned as provost and professor of political science in July 2012.
Dec 15, 2023 · Wake Forest Distinguished University Professor Rogan Kersh will serve as Academic Director of NYU Florence and Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Programs.
NYU Firenze/Global, Wagner policy prof. Avid eater, music maven, bibliophile, higher-ed devotee.
Sep 30, 2024 · Professor Rogan Kersh, becoming the academic director of NYU Florence and the vice chancellor for Global Programs is the culmination of a lifelong interest in ...
Provost and Professor, Wake Forest University. Jul 2012 - Present 12 years 4 months. Associate Dean/Professor, NYU Wagner School of Public Service.
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For Professor Rogan Kersh, returning to NYU as associate vice chancellor for Global Programs and academic director of NYU Florence is the culmination of a ...

Rogan Kersh

Rogan Kersh is Assciate Professor of Political Science and Public Administration, Maxwell School, Syracuse University. He is coeditor of Medical Malpractice and the U.S. Health Care System: New Century, Different Issues. Google Books
Affiliation: Wake Forest University
Research interests: American politics, Health Policy, Obesity, and more
By the People: Debating American Government, Brief Edition. Paperback. $59.10$59.10. List: $99.99$99.99. Get it as soon as Wed, Jul 10.
In a brilliantly conceived and elegantly written book, Rogan Kersh investigates the idea of national union in the United States.
Rogan Kersh. Class of 1993-1994. About Rogan. Placement organization. Institute for International Policy Studies. Placement Location. Tokyo, Japan ...
Rogan Kersh is associate professor of political science at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University. He is author of Dreams of ...