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inauthor: John Elliott Cairnes from
It tells the story of a people trapped in ideological folly spawned to solve 'the half-caste problem'. It gives life to those generations of Aboriginal people assumed to have no history and whose past labels them only as shadowy figures.
inauthor: John Elliott Cairnes from
John Malcolm Bulloch, John Alexander Henderson. than his insistence that it ... Cairnes , or Cairns , No more important local volume has been by Mr. Henry Cairnes Lawlor , is in prepara - issued for a long time than Historical Aberdeen . tion ...
inauthor: John Elliott Cairnes from
Recognized as the best history of Harford County ever published, this work's genealogical importance is based on its numerous biographical sketches of the county's leading citizens, as well as lists of non-associators and non-enrollers, ...