Walt Whitman spent much of his time with wounded soldiers, both in the field and in the hospitals. The forty notebooks he filled became the basis for this extraordinary diary of a medic in the Civil War.
... Robert's absence from Chicago your last letter to him was_only shown me last evening . The recollection of my * From MSS . in Author's possession . beloved husband's truly affectionate regard for you , and the 220 THE LIFE OF LINCOLN .
... President , vio- lently denounced by the opposition as a tyrant and a usurper , for having gone be- yond his constitutional powers in author- izing or permitting the temporary sup- pression of newspapers , and in wantonly suspending the ...
Abraham Lincoln John George Nicolay, John Hay. of the City Council ... in author's " The Lawyer , the Statesman and the Soldier , " New York , D. Appleton & Co. , 1887 . BOYD , ( Andrew . ) Abraham Lincoln , Foully Bibliography 169.
... Paintings, Photographs, Etc Ervin S. Chapman. EARLY PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE It is interesting and pleasing to think of Abraham Lincoln. CABIN IN WHICH ABRAHAM LINCOLN WAS BORN MRS . MARY TODD LINCOLN Tablecloth now in author's collection.
... President , vio- lently denounced by the opposition as a tyrant and a usurper , for having gone be- yond his constitutional powers in author- izing or permitting the temporary sup- pression of newspapers , and in wantonly suspending the ...
... Lincoln . Carrying a Girl's Trunk . Cenotaph of Lincoln , The . Character of ... Abraham Lincoln , The . Death of Lincoln , f . Defense of Tom Grayson ... in AUTHOR INDEX . ) SPECIAL Books : LLC - PEO - OAL MAY DAY Alexander and ...
... of Systematic Theology in Gar- rett Biblical Institute , 1864-97 ; died at Ev- anston November 25 , 1897 . Author ... in Author : " Abraham Lincoln " ( 1903 ) . Edwin Llewellyn Shuman . - Born Manor Township , Pa . , December 13 ...